Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

Our Vision

We are a people who are saved by God's grace, desperatly seeking His face, with a heart that is to love the lost, while seeking the fire of revival at all costs.

Our Mission

The mission of Crossway Church is a divine mandate, echoing the very words of Jesus Himself: 'Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the incomparable name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.' We're not just a church; we're a movement, ignited by the Holy Fire of God's Word, committed to transforming lives and nations for the glory of the Kingdom! 

Our Purpose

We stand as fervent intercessors, anointed worshippers, and spirit-imbued revivalists, engaging in holy combat to reclaim every inch of ground, every lost soul, every wandering heart for the Kingdom. With the authority bestowed upon us in Luke 10:19, we trample over serpents and scorpions, over all the power of the enemy, without yielding an inch.

We are the torchbearers of revival, the sanctified sanctuary of fervent prayer. Our commission is clear, not to bask in safety, but to storm the gates of hell with the unquenchable fire of the Holy Spirit that Jesus ignited within us. Our resolve is steadfast; we will not be content until we are enveloped in the manifest presence of God, a presence that transforms us, our families, our friends, and our communities.

Our existence is to kindle the revival flame in every soul we encounter, making known the mark of Christ through our words and deeds. We stand bold in prayer, anchored in the Word, as stated in Ephesians 6:17, taking the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Our mission extends beyond the redemption of sinners; it calls even the devout to a deeper repentance, to a revival of the heart.

We pledge to sacrifice everything necessary for the Lord to unleash His refining fire. We will rekindle the passion in the complacent and ignite the faith of the disheartened, invoking the latter rain upon parched spirits. Our ears will be attuned to the voice of God, discerning and fleeing from any deceitful spark.

In our worship, in our service, we refuse to constrain the Almighty; His presence will move unfettered among us. We seek not just an encounter but a divine collision with the Almighty, to worship in Spirit and Truth, as proclaimed in John 4:24, raising a victorious cry, challenging the adversary at every turn.

As valiant warriors in the Lord's army, we embrace both leadership and submission, forsaking personal desires for the sake of greater love. At the foot of the cross, we lay down our lives to step into divine fellowship, armed with the full armor of God, ready to reclaim what the enemy has stolen, as commanded in Ephesians 6:11, to stand against the schemes of the devil.

Our purpose is forged in the fire of God's love, a clarion call to all who bear His name: to be a beacon of His grace, relentlessly pursuing His face, with hearts ablaze for the lost, unyielding in our quest for revival at any cost.